Xin (James) Jin 金鑫



金鑫毕业于旧金山音乐学院,师从 Ian Swensen。2015年正加入奥克兰爱乐交响乐团,担任二提琴副首席职位。定居奥克兰后,金鑫创办了奥克兰音乐学校,奥克兰钢琴三重奏和新西兰室内乐团。作为独奏、乐团首席、室内乐手和指挥,金鑫受邀与奥克兰爱乐乐团、奥克兰青年交响乐团、奥克兰爱乐合唱团、Jade弦乐四重奏、Bach Musica交响乐团、基督城交响乐团、惠灵顿交响乐团、惠灵顿室内乐团新西兰音乐学院交响乐团、坏卡多大学交响乐团、新西兰独奏及室内乐团等艺术团体合作演出。2018年金鑫带领新西兰室内乐团亮相欧盟国际交响乐艺术节,在青岛博莱斯勒大剧院和天津大剧院的专场演出反响热烈。

2019年金鑫与新西兰知名室内乐团体 NZ Chamber Soloists 赴中国进行大型学术交流及巡演,应邀首都师范大学,人民大学,青岛大学,山东师范大学,沈阳音乐学院,武汉大学,中南民族大学,华南师范大学等高等院校。本着传承古典音乐,促进东西方音乐及表演艺术交融及利益广大青少年音乐学生的精神与原则,金鑫创办了新西兰国际青年艺术节、太平洋国际青少年音乐比赛、奥克兰爱乐交响乐团 “走进音乐” 室内乐音乐会系列等音乐文化项目。

Short Biography

Currently working as Associate Principal Second Violinist in the Auckland Philhar-monia Orchestra, Director of Auckland Academy of Music, Director of NZ Chamber Orchestra, Director of Asia Pacific Performing Arts, and Artistic Director of New Zealand International Young Artists Festival, Xin (James) Jin was born in China and came to New Zealand with his family in 2001.

In New Zealand James performed regularly in recitals and concerts, highlights of his performances include Brahms' violin concerto with the Wellington Chamber Orchestra and the Manawatu Sinfonia Orchestra and concert pieces with the Michael Monaghan Young Musicians Foundation Orchestra. James was contracted by the Wellington Vector Orchestra as Principle Second Violinist in 2007, and in the following year he was admitted, with the award of full scholarship, to the San Francisco Conservatory of Music to study with Prof. Ian Swensen.

In America James has won top prizes in competitions including the Mu Phi Epsilon International Music Competition and the Y.E.S. Foundation Young Arts' Competi-tion. James has also worked with many distinguished teachers, artists, ensembles and conductors in the Tanglewood Music Festival, Music Academy of the West and the Siena International Music Festival.

Returning to New Zealand in 2014, James has won the New Zealand School of Music Concerto Competition and the Waikanae Music Society scholarship. In 2015 James joined the APO as Associate Principle 2nd Violinist and curator of APO’s Up-Close Chamber Concert Series. Besides working for the APO, James appears regularly in recitals and concerts throughout the country as a soloist, chamber musician, conduc-tor, and concertmaster. In 2019 James toured with the New Zealand Chamber Soloists to perform in six different cities in China.

